Monday, June 01, 2009

Beatles Rock Band animation

OK, now I want to play Rock Band. Because A) It's the Beatles, B) it's beautifully drawn, and C) it's the Beatles.

I've watched this three times in row...I'm off to watch it ten times more.


tlchang said...

I've been avoiding buying Rock Band myself. Might have to now. :-p

Irene Gallo said...

That or, just watch this a thousand times. ;-) It's a really great piece of film. Totally woke me up...I'll be awake all night now. Blasted, them animators.

Unknown said...

I'm probably one of the few who were so extremely appreciative of the fact that they captured the movement of ringo while he drums so expertly. I wonder if the video game will feature animation..

Irene Gallo said...

I'll leave Ringo to you and Greg. It's all about John and George for me.

E.C. Myers said...

That's gorgeous. I was already excited about the game, which will actually get me to play Rock Band, but now I'm looking forward to it even more.

Dan Duncan said...

I know it's unfair to the other people who worked on this amazing trailer, but I give full credit to Robert Valley.

An inspiration since back when I was to young to be watching Aeon Flux, Robert Valley could make me want to buy just about anything.


leemoyer said...

Incredible work. Beautiful and moving (even if there's a danger of moving my wallet from its hiding place).

Thanks for the tip!