Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jesper Ejsing visits

Somehow I doubled booked judging the Society's Student exhibit with a major Sales meeting. I knew both were on Tuesday morning, you think that would have tipped me off to the fact that I couldn't go to both. Thankfully, Jesper Ejsing was in town, visiting from Denmark, and he took my place. I was bummed to have missed the judging. The student show is in many ways more rewarding (or at least, interesting) than the pro show. It's a constant balance between judging ability and potential.

I was, however, able to catch lunch with the crew. Thank god. Me skipping a meal would be a sign that the end days are a'coming. Seen here: me, Donato (mostly hidden by my big head) Jesper Ejsing, Dan Dos Santos, and Sam Weber.

Afterwards Dan and Jesper stopped by to visit. There was some shenanigans with a sword but somehow all in the room left with ten fingers and toes each. I met Jesper at last year's Massive Black's workshop. His work was great then and even better now. He mentioned doing a major overhaul of his website later this month so, I'll point you to this interview with some great step-by-steps.


Eric Braddock said...

I got to meet with Jesper randomly while walking around Saturday and saw him at the WotC main area. He is a pretty awesome guy and has a great sense of humor. His work is incredible to look at up close and his usage of color is intense. Also, anyone else notice the guy kinda looks like he belongs in a rock band? Must be the faux hawk. Slap some wristbands on, give him a bass and a tattoo, he'd be set.

Ejsing said...

Thank you! Eric;

I would never be in a rockband, they other guys would throw me out for trying to sneek in Sinatra songs when jamming...
got a tattoo though. In the private parts so I cannot show you any pictures, but i tell you. it is the whole poem from the lord of the rings: "one ring to rule them all..."and so on. Tall letters all the way up...or down depends from where you look at it.


Irene Gallo said...

Hey, there's always Guitar Hero!

And, Jesper, that there's some hardcore geekery. ;-)

EricFortune said...

LOL I have a similar tat that says "Bilbo was here" and it's sans serif to boot:( I'm so jealous of you guys! But I am inspired and that'll be enough for now. Keep up the amazing work!