I stumbled into John Dickenson's awesome concept artwork not long ago...and immediately asked if he would answer a few questions for tor.com. Check out the John Dickenson interview here.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
John Dickenson
Labels: Tor.com
Two Satudays of Animations
I missed last weeks so, a double header:

She Who Measures: A wasteland of consumerism...told in a very WTFery way.

The Sand Castle and Zacharias Zombie
The Sand Castle: Sand Creatures building a sand castle. A quiet classic.
Zacharias Zombie: Poor Zacharias was born a zombie, chaos ensues.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I've been hit with an unbelievable amount of comment spam....and it just keeps coming. I'll try to delete it all over the weekend. Please excuse the mess in the meantime.
If anyone has advice to get rid of it quickly and keep it from coming back, please let me know.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Similo, short SF movie
This place has been all about the movies lately -- apologies for that. I'll get back to some great sf/f art soon, I promise. And I have post up my sleeve about plumbers that may interest. (no, really.) But...
I just posted a six minute science fiction movie on Tor.com titled Similo. The tone of it (although not it's message) reminds me of Gattica, one of my favorite movies. It's pretty powerful piece for just six minutes long.
Labels: Tor.com
Oscar for Best Animated Short: La Maison en petits cubes by Kunio Kato
Thanks to a heads up from Rene Walling at Frames Per Second, the Oscar winner for best animated short is...."La Maison en petits cubes" by Kunio Kato.
I've been avoiding posting movies that are split but this is just too good....
UPDATE: Apologies, the movie has been removed from Youtube.
Labels: Animation
Anita Kunz and Sam Weber at SCAD
The SCAD blog has a nice write up, and lots of pictures, from a visit from Anita Kunz and Sam Weber. Wish I was there to see this.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Chris Turnham and Coraline
An update to my list of Coraline artists. (Yes, this will be an obsession for a short while.)
Chris Turnham has started a blog specifically for his Coraline work.
Chris and the awesome Kevin Dart make up the Fleet Street Scandal. Their book, appropriately titled Fleet Street Scandal, is one of my favorite purchases from last year's San Diego Comic Con.
RELATED: Kevin Dart, Retro Fresh
Ezra Jack Keats
I knew it when I was five and I know it now: Ezra Jack Keats is amazing.
Some of the Coraline concept art reminded me of Keats' The Snowy Day, particularly Chris Appelhans' great work. Appelhans will be at Reverie, Concepart.org's workshop, in Dallas at the end of the month - I'm looking forward to singing his praises in person and asking him if Keats was an influence.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Coraline 3D, and Coraline Concept Art
If you haven't seen Coraline in 3D already, put down that computer and run to the theatre. Go. Now. It's freakin' amazing.
Chris Appelhans and Jon Klassen, in particular, have a lot of work showing that is just a joy to flip through. Also check out Katy Wu, Dan Krall.
Did I mention that the movie is incredible? It's incredible.

Labels: Animation
Friday, February 20, 2009
New Wesley Allbrook Comic
Check out Wesley Allbrook's latest comic, Montmartre a trois....a love story....of sorts.
Wesley's first comic, The Leviathan.
An interview.
Labels: Tor.com, Wesley Allsbrook
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Animation on Tor.com
This week on Tor.com's Saturday Morning Cartoons:
The Diary of Tortov Roddle: A Red Fruit
Tamu Townsend, of Frames Per Second, turned me on to Katou Kunio. Kunio has created a marvelous series of dreamscapes featuring a traveler and his horse-legged pig. There are over a half dozen of these little films. Each is quiet and elegant, with a subtle humor and beautifully drawn.
Strange Invaders
A wee outer-space bundle of...joy. As frantic as the above is serene. From Cordell Barker, the creator of the classic “The Cat Came Back.”
Dan Dos Santos DVD now available.
Massive Black is really cranking out the demos lately. Their latest, the long awaited Dan Dos Santos' book cover demo. Hurray for Dan! This has been eagerly awaited for some time now.
5 hours long.
Available as a DVD or instant download.
It takes a book cover -- which happens to be Tor's Warbreaker, by Brandon Sanderson -- from concept to finish.
Order here.
The buzz here.
Preview below:
(Warning: I am in it briefly but you can fast forward through that.)
Labels: Dan Dos Santos, Demos, Tor Books
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Barbara McClintock builds a picture book dummy.
This may be a bit of a tease, I'm not sure that anyone not "friended" can look at Facebook photos? But here goes anyway:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Jesper Ejsing visits
Somehow I doubled booked judging the Society's Student exhibit with a major Sales meeting. I knew both were on Tuesday morning, you think that would have tipped me off to the fact that I couldn't go to both. Thankfully, Jesper Ejsing was in town, visiting from Denmark, and he took my place. I was bummed to have missed the judging. The student show is in many ways more rewarding (or at least, interesting) than the pro show. It's a constant balance between judging ability and potential.
Afterwards Dan and Jesper stopped by to visit. There was some shenanigans with a sword but somehow all in the room left with ten fingers and toes each. I met Jesper at last year's Massive Black's workshop. His work was great then and even better now. He mentioned doing a major overhaul of his website later this month so, I'll point you to this interview with some great step-by-steps.
Monday, February 09, 2009
my donor card
A recent Twitter friend's tweet made me think it's not a bad idea to say: My donor card was signed in honor of Jenna Felice. Whose yours signed for?
Brad Holland Video
Over on RichardSolomon.com, a peak inside Brad Holland's studio, interview/demo. Very cool.
Related: Brad Holland Interview
Labels: Brad Holland, Demos, Interviews
Saturday Animations on Tor.com: "Tes lacets sont des fees" and "Sebastian’s Voodoo"
This week: one cute and funny, the other...not cute nor funny.
Tor.com Saturday Mornng Cartoons:
Tes lacets sont des fees
Proving the best revenge is livin’ good. This Dionysos video is delightful...and it has boobies! Drawn by Joann Sfar. Sfar wrote and drew The Rabbi’s Cat. Charles Vess told me I should read it. He was right. You should read it too.
Sebastian’s Voodoo
Joaquin Baldwin
As dark as the above is delightful. One voodoo doll's courage.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Gary Kelley Demo Download
Massive Black just released a 45 minute Gary Kelley pastel demo. $15.00 for instant download. Check out the preview above. I've seen Gary do a demo at the Society of Illustrators -- he's got a thousand great points to make. I'm looking forward to watching this.
Labels: ConceptArt.org, Gary Kelley
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Busy Me Convention Schedule
Egads. This is my convention schedule for the year. I think if I really go to all of these I'd end up hating the planet. I'm not this social. But theoretically, this is where I'll be:
New York Comic Con
February 6-8, center of the world
Tor.com panel on "New Media Publishing" on Saturday at 4:00
February 13-15, Boston, MA
Reverie: Conceptart.org/Massive Black Workshop
March 28-31, Dallas, TX
May 22-25, Madison, WI
Illustration Master Class
June 15-21, Amherst, MA
San Diego Comic Con
July, 22-26 San Diego, CA
World Con
August 6-10, Montreal
World Fantasy
October, San Jose, CA
Labels: Conventions
NY Comic Con is this weekend, here are five ways not to introduce yourself to an art director.
I've never re-posted anything before but with NY ComicCon coming up this Friday, I thought this was worth a repeat. Here are five things that happened to me last year that didn't exactly show the artist's best foot forward.
Five Ways Not to Introduce Yourself to an Art Director:
1) Don't give me your postcard and then take it back to cross out your web address because "the work there isn't good."
2) Don't let me flip through half a portfolio and then stop me mid way to say "the rest is older work, you're probably not interested, and it's not good anyway."
3) Don't show me one, and only one, image on an iPhone. In fact, unless you know I am very familiar with your work, don't show me an iPhone portfolio at all.
4) "Hello, my name is.....We're MySpace friends." Followed by silence thinking I'm going to remember you off the top of my head. Hell, I can hardly remember the names of people I actually meet.
5) 35mm slides!? I didn't think you could buy slide film anymore.
Guys, you’re at ComicCon. Chances of running into an art director are, well, high. You didn't just happen to run into the ADs for every major gaming, comic, movie, and publishing companies at a neighborhood barbecue, so get your ducks in a row before making that first impression.
Labels: Conventions, The AD's Chair
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Saturday Animations, The Fly and the Eye and Jan Svankmajer
This week, two tales of claustrophia, both absurd, both a little funny. The Fly and the Eye is quick and light. Jan Svankmajer's Darkness-Light-Darkness is a more powerhouse. Both on: Tor.com Saturday Morning Cartoons.
And, by the way, a link to index of all the animations shown thus far.
And, and, by the way. Suggestions! You got 'em? Then send them my way. Either in the comments or at irene.gallo-at-tor.com. I still have list in my head that keeps growing but nothing better than to have that derailed by something new (new to me, if not new-new) and exciting.