If you haven't seen Coraline in 3D already, put down that computer and run to the theatre. Go. Now. It's freakin' amazing.
The concept art that has been popping up online has been making me sad that there doesn't seem to be an "Art of" book.
Chris Appelhans and Jon Klassen, in particular, have a lot of work showing that is just a joy to flip through. Also check out Katy Wu, Dan Krall.
Did I mention that the movie is incredible? It's incredible.

There's a nice book about it out that you should grab, with lots of concept art and model work. AND while I am at it, heads up to the ART OF PIXAR'S SHORT FILMS and THE ART OF MONSTERS VS ALIENS-two must-have-because-you-can-write-them-off artbooks currently just out.
I did see the "Coraline movie companion" which did have a whole lot of very cool stuff....but more of a complete "making of" than an art book. I was hoping for something more along the lines of the Pixar books, which are drop-dead-must-have books.
I believe the Pixar Short Films one is was written by one of the guys at Cartoonbrew.com.
Looking foward to Monsters Vs Aliens. Everyone says great things about it. ;-)
I find it amazing that there aren't more "The Art of ____" books out there... you'd think these people would realize how big of an audience they'd reach by offering these kinds of things.
But what do I know, I'm just an art-craving, visual-loving, conceptwork-hungry consumer :)
I had the same complaints about the Coraline Art book. Right after the movie I immediately beelined to Forbidden Planet with the intention of buying, but it just wasn't enough of what I was looking for.
Thank you so much, Irene, for posting exactly the sort of thing I WAS looking for!
(also the soundtrack is AMAZING)
The Coraline Visual Companion book has been getting lots of flake, on Amazon and on CartoonBrew. It's very sad.
As an artist who does a lot of character design and concept work myself, I was in awe of the visuals in Coralline. It is disappointing to hear that there is not an adequate "Art of..." book.
Went last night to see it. Yup, completely agree. Coraline in 3D is incredibly good.
Don't forget Shannon Tindle!!!
Gorgeous coraline artworks..
Don't forget Objet Geometries who made the 3d models for this movie... - http://www.objet.com
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