Sunday, September 21, 2008

Society of Illustrators Call for Entries

Illustrators 51 Call for Entries
The Society of Illustrators is now taking submissions online. Deadline: November 7th


Lana Gramlich said...

Thanks for the info! Do you have a calendar of such events, or do people just e-mail you about things? Personally I just find it virtually impossible to find all of these wonderful contests & calls for art. Even Google is an imperfect tool at best.

Irene Gallo said...

Good question. I think The I Spot tried to consolidate a list years ago. I'll poke around and see if I can find it.

The two that I feel closest to are:

Spectrum: which tends to have an early January deadline.

Society: Which usually has an October deadline, November is a bit ate but I suppose the digital judging will save them time.

But there are tons of others: Expose, Communication Arts, 3x3,...