Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Lincoln Memorial


ces said...

I remember when I saw the Lincoln Memorial one summer when I was in WashingtonDC. It had been raining all day & night for 3 days - and on the day I saw the memorial there was thunder and lightning.

It was midnight when i went to the memorial. The memorial was just about to close but the guard let me in anyway. It was absolutely quiet out - not a single sound anywhere - no cars, people, animals, weather, nothing. There was one spotlight on Lincoln. I stood there looking at Lincoln - he was alive. After about 30 minutes I left.

It's one of those experiences crystal clear in your mind 30 years later.

Like seeing Michelangelo's Pieta at the 1964 Word's Fair.

Irene Gallo said...

Ces – I know what you mean. You see so many photos of it but nothing prepares you for how powerful it is.

ces said...

Irene - Yes. Exactly.

I often wonder how some of our country's monuments - like The Lincoln Memorial - mean to those who weren't born & raised in America. I would say it's like going to Rome, for example, and seeing the Coliseum, except that it isn't really - I mean, Europe is so old & we are so young!

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