Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reverie: first impressions

The workshop, Reverie, is gearing up. I got in to Dallas late last night, after a slightly harrowing flight. Dallas is having "weather."

I'm just back from a quick instructor meet-and-greet to get a look around our new home for the next three days. It'll be a great venue, much more intimate than Seattle was. The traditional and digital sections now share the floor, which will make it a lot easier to soak in both and listen to all the lectures. It's official: I am very excited about the upcoming days.

We are sharing Dallas with a photographic educators conference and the American Film Institute Festival. Fun neighbors. The photo conference has students running all over the hotel and the AFI festival will be sponsoring one of two kick off parties tonight. It's going to be a very long and fun night. Luckily, I slept until noon today.

I'll be Twittering the weekend away. I've never used hash tags before but for those that know what to do with them, I was told to use: #rev09

1 comment:

Frame Theory said...

Wow. Sound like a lot of fun. Can't wait to start traveling again